FBC Canton’s Women Ministry purpose is to build godly relationships with women of all ages in the church. Our desire is to encourage and empower the women of our church with the gospel. As a group we provide opportunity for spiritual growth through bible study and prayer. Events and gatherings are designed for cultivating authentic relationship. Overall, we are here to love one another, just as our Jesus Christ has loved us.
Spring Bible Study
Beginning March 18th...
Tuesday Evenings: 6:30 - 8PM @ FBC Fellowship Hall
Thursday Mornings: 10 - 11:30AM @ FBC Chapel
"I Surrender All" by Priscilla Shirer
Books are $10
Childcare available for Thursday Mornings - must sign up
Email katie@firstcanton.com

Women on Mission
Women on Mission is under the umbrella of W.M.U. of Texas. We meet the first Tuesday of every month in the Chapel Room A102 at 9:30 am. Meetings consist of guest speakers , bible study, missionary spotlight and prayer for missionaries. We have mission projects both for our community and other opportunities outside our area. Women of all ages are welcome. For more information regarding Women on Mission, please contact the Director, Debbie Burden (903-570-4706).
Check out our women's bible study classes!
We meet every Sunday @ 10:10AM