We now have a new way to communicate via text message
called Constant Contact.
If you would like to receive notifications by text message
you must opt in.
You can also save the number as we have been given
a unique phone number to communicate by.
Contact name suggestion: FBC Canton

Scan the QR & check the box to receive text messages!
Sign Up for Text Notifications from FBC Canton:
1. Scan the QR code above or click the Sign Up Here button below
(you will be taken to the page shown to the right)
2. Enter your First & Last Name
3. Check the box next to "Text me with news & offers"
4. Enter your mobile number
5. Enter your email address
6. Click the Sign Up button to finish
You will receive a text - reply YES to be added to our texting list
Save the number in your contacts as "FBC Canton"