Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We love to minister to children and their families; teaching them about Jesus and His love for them. It’s our desire that children become Christ-centered by believing, trusting, and following Him.
Children have opportunities to be involved in Kid-style worship (Children’s Church) and Sunday School each week. AWANA meets on Wednesday nights during the school year. We also strive to provide additional fun activities that are announced throughout the year, such as field trips, mission activities, Trunk or Treat, Christmas parties, sports camps, cooking school, and summer camp.
Children have opportunities to be involved in Kid-style worship (Children’s Church) and Sunday School each week. AWANA meets on Wednesday nights during the school year. We also strive to provide additional fun activities that are announced throughout the year, such as field trips, mission activities, Trunk or Treat, Christmas parties, sports camps, cooking school, and summer camp.

Upcoming Events

Nursery care is available during both services and age appropriate Bible stories and activities are offered during 10:10AM Sunday School.
Starting at 10:10AM upstairs in the Children’s area. Drop children off in their class. They will be brought down to meet you in the Worship Center at 10:45AM.
Enjoy worship with your school-aged children in the worship center. Children will be dismissed for Children’s Church shortly before the sermon begins. Children’s Church is offered during both morning services. We offer age appropriate teaching and application activities. Following the 9AM Children’s Church, the children will go directly to their Sunday School classroom. The second Children’s Church service will be dismissed from the Fellowship Hall after service ends.
Toddlers – 21 years old
This special class is open to any person up to the age 21. The class will meet Sunday mornings, between 11:00AM and noon in the gym building. Click here to find out more or contact Katie Skinner.
Beginning August 21st, 2024
Awana is an international discipleship program for children. Each week the children participate in a large group lesson, small group Bible study geared toward their age level, and game time. Children earn Awana bucks throughout the year for learning verses, participating in weekly themes and playing games. They can spend their Awana bucks in the twice-yearly store, where they can buy gifts for their family, or something for themselves. The registration fee is $30/per child with a maximum registration fee of $120 per family. For questions about Awana, contact Katie Skinner at 903-567-4157 or email katie@firstcanton.com.