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NEW BELIEVERS CLASS : Starting February 4th

Are you a New Believer? Do you want to fully understand what Jesus wants you to do next?
We will be starting this class on February 4th @ 10:10 AM during Sunday School
For children up to 5th grade
Contact Katie to register!
Children’s Minister – Katie Skinner 
Nursery Coordinator-Amber Knotts (Nursery) Bld. C, First Floor 
Come join us for Pre-School Bible Study! We are divided by age and try to put your child with their appropriate school class. We use the curriculum “Bible Studies for Life”. As kids grow, their understanding of foundational truths grow with them. The lessons ensure every child has a transformative, age-appropriate encounter with God’s Word so we can invest our energy where it’s need most: your kids!
Children’s Minister – Katie Skinner
(Nursery) Bld. B, Second Floor
Come join us for Children’s Bible Study! We are split into small groups, by grade, for the first 45 minutesof the hour, where we use “The Gospel Project” curriculum. These lessons take kids on a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture. Kids will discover how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. When kids truly experience the gospel, their hearts are transformed. It is the gospel, not good behavior, that changes everything. The last 15 minutes we all come together to discuss what we have just learned using object lessons. Can’t wait to see you!
Student Minister – Mickey Matlock
(Youth Room) Gym Bld., Second Floor
Junior High - The beginning of the journey through the youth ministry. All students in 6th-8th grades are invited to come discover God’s truth found in His Word. Every 3 years, our curriculum goes through the entire Bible. So, by the time a student has gone through junior high, they will have been exposed to God’s entire story. We know that not all students are in the same stage at the same time, so we give room to grow on different levels and encourage all students to continue maturing.
High School - As students begin to think about life-impacting decisions, we want to demonstrate to them how God’s Word applies to their lives. All students 9th-12th grades are invited to come learn together. Just as in junior high, every 3 years, our curriculum goes through the entire Bible. So, by the time a student has gone through high school, they will have been exposed to God’s entire story twice. We know high school is preparing them for some big changes.  Therefore, we help these students prepare to make
Christ-centered decisions!
Teachers- Jim & Cheryl Watson  
(Room #200) Chapel Second Floor
The College & Career Class seeks to build the foundation of biblical understanding for young adults. We want to train Christians to be ready, in season and out of season, to give a defense of their faith. Our class is for those entering college as well as young adults early in their careers. 
Teacher –  Mac McElvaney
(Room 204) Chapel
Our class is a fun, community-focused group who welcome visitors and new members while they get more deeply connected.
Open to all ages.
Teachers - Chase Berendzen, Bobby Davis & Julie Hubbard
(Room #206) Chapel Second Floor 
The Covenant Class, features scripture-based and
discussion-focused teaching, applying God’s Word to every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s marriage, children, family or work, God promises abundance and keeps His covenant, loving those who love and obey Him.
Join us for Bible Study and you’ll find our class to be relaxed, friendly, and fun. Our class serves all adults and is not limited by age or marital status.
Teachers – Jim & Ruth Barnhart
(Music Suite)
We are a Bible Study group of single and married adults. We study the Bible verse by verse, sometimes word by word. We take our time to study, learn, and use class discussion to make God’s Word part of our daily lives. We encourage our group to be “Bereans”… Acts 17:11 (NKJV) – “These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” II Timothy 2:15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” We enjoy sharing from our different walks of life as we learn God’s Word, and we plan two to three class fellowships each year.
Teacher –Jay Barnes
The Genesis class is a group of multi-aged adults, married and single, who thrive on the multi-generational relationship opportunities within our membership. We share our strength in prayer for one another and our extended families. Our Bible Study follows the “Through the Bible” curriculum and open-discussion is encouraged. We enjoy fellowship time together through dinner groups and social events.
Teacher – Roger Ward
(Room #102A) Chapel
When the HARP Class was organized, long before most of us were here, the class took the name from the initials of the first teachers: Harry and Ruth Pesnell. We remain a close-knit group of men and women who admit to being mostly older than average in age, but who feel very young at heart. We regularly share news of our blessings and our needs and then pray together. Our teacher, Roger Ward, follows the curriculum “Explore the Bible” by Lifeway. He uses primarily a lecture-style approach to teaching, and encourages class discussion. We eat together once a month at a restaurant or at a member’s house.
We’re happily “on call” for each other when a need is expressed.
Teachers – Kay Rogers & Louise Travis
(Room #100A) Chapel
We are a warm, loving class made up of women ages 50-early 70’s. Normally, our attendance is between 16 to 20 people. Some of the women are married, and others are widowed. Our teacher is a dynamic Christian woman who brings a Bible-based lesson each Sunday. Our Bible studies are from the church adopted literature. We also have discussions about how the lesson can relate to us in our personal lives. The class is opened by sharing prayer requests and then the requests are emailed to class members.
We have participated in mission projects...Samaritan’s Purse, collecting food for Manna at our annual Christmas party, bringing needed items for Hope Pregnancy Center and food for Vacation Bible School and other church related activities. Each woman in the class is totally loved and prayed for by other class members.
Teacher – Sue Walker
(Room #100C) Chapel
We are a ladies class, mainly 60 plus, but we welcome any and all ages!
We really enjoy our Bible lessons and we like to share our own individual life stories. We love to pray for each other. We have quarterly activities outside of the church, and we enjoy helping with several outreach programs.
Teacher –Michael Kopesec
(Room #202) Chapel
The Kopesec Class is a group of multi-aged (leaning towards more seasoned) adults, married and single, seeking to foster a faith-based fellowship that emphasizes New Testament, first century church priorities as described in Acts 2: devoting ourselves to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, and prayers (Acts 2:42). Following the Explore the Bible curriculum, our Bible study humbly strives to "rightly handle the word of truth" for the ultimate goal of presenting ourselves "to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed" (2 Tim. 2:15). We value the experience and perspective of all class participants and encourage open discussion. We enjoy fellowship time together through quarterly social events.
Teacher – Jan Johnson
(Room #110A) Chapel
Our class is composed of single, widowed and married, older, adult ladies. We are known as the Mary-Martha Class. We have a great fellowship and welcome others to join us. Our lessons are Bible-based and discussion is encouraged. We gather every second Tuesday for lunch and fellowship.
Feel free to join with us in trying to serve the Lord!
Teacher – Cheryl Bridgfarmer
(Room #100B) Chapel
We are a class made up of multi-aged women…some in their twenties, but most are in their thirties and forties. There are single, married, divorced and widowed women in the class. Most, have school-age children, but some are grandmas. We study Bible-based curriculum and encourage discussion. We start each class with prayer requests and keep in touch with online prayer requests and devotionals throughout the week.
Teacher –  Kari Roberson
(Parlor) Gym
Our class is a new women’s class called the “Garden”. We would like for any woman at any age, who doesn’t currently attend a class, to give us a try.
We will discover how to be deeply rooted in His Word together!
Teacher – Marvin Edwards
We are a senior co-ed class that meets in the Chapel. Several of us are there by 9:00 to make coffee, and we socialize till our class begins.
We start with special music by a class member and then go into Praise and Prayer time. One big, happy family studying God’s Word and worshipping our Lord, Jesus Christ. Class socials are once every quarter.