Sunday Services: 8AM Chapel / 9 & 11 Worship Center

Next steps

If you are interested in learning what the next steps are in salvation and/or joining
FBC Canton, please check out all the information and resources below!

Also feel free to visit our Next Steps desk in the Worship Center foyer
on Sunday Mornings - one of our deacons can share information
with you in-person!

Next Steps Sermon Series:

Fill in the Blank Sermon Notes

Why should I join a church?

When you join a church body you are taking another level of commitment to your faith.  Our commitment to loving and serving one another is a direct reflection of our commitment to Christ.  When you join our church family you are treated as family and will connect and grow in your pursuit of becoming Christ Centered. As a family we build each other up with encouragement, accountability, and support in all stages of life.

How do I join the Church?

  • As a new born again believer who is ready to be baptized.
  • As a member of another church of like mind who joins us by ‘letter’ from the other church.
  • As a statement from you that you are born again and immersed baptized after salvation without any intentions that baptism help save you.

Church Membership

Visitor Card

If you would like to hear in-person sermons like these, you can join us
in the Chapel @ 8AM or
in the Worship Center @ 9AM or 11AM every Sunday morning!