We have moved to a new kind of church record-keeping
solution (database) called Realm®.
It primarily serves the administrative needs of our staff, but it also offers some exciting opportunities to support the way you are involved in our church!
This will not only improve work-life for our ministry staff, but it will also make it easier for our church family to connect with each other, keep up with current events, and grow as a connected community of believers.

Sign Up for Realm
Realm can be accessed from your computer or your smartphone.
There are two ways to get signed up:
1. Download the Connect App
Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play and search for "Realm Connect" & download
Click on the "Don't have an account? Sign up!" button once you open the app
Follow the steps through the app
2. Create an Account Online
Complete the form below to request a Realm account. You will be sent an email with instructions on how to get connected to On Realm.
There are two ways to get signed up:
1. Download the Connect App
Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play and search for "Realm Connect" & download
Click on the "Don't have an account? Sign up!" button once you open the app
Follow the steps through the app
2. Create an Account Online
Complete the form below to request a Realm account. You will be sent an email with instructions on how to get connected to On Realm.
Already have a Realm account?

Everyone in our church gets a unique profile. Your profile contains everything you want people in our church to know about you. Your profile also enables you to join a small group (Sunday School), RSVP to events, track your giving, update your contact information, change family details, set notification preferences, or replace that outdated family photo.

Groups and classes are an important part of our church, and now you can connect with the people in them throughout the week. You can keep track of upcoming meetings, who’s bringing what, and what’s going on in each other’s lives

Events & Announcements
View upcoming church events and announcements right from the app. Register you and your family for upcoming events and make payments as needed. Announcements and a full calendar are also available on the app.