Sunday Services: 8AM Chapel / 9 & 11 Worship Center

2024 5K Race & pickleball tournament!!

Come join us for our 2024 5K and Pickleball Tournament on October 19th @ Twin Lakes Nursery!

You can compete in both or pick your favorite - join the 5K runners/walkers as they stroll through the beautiful scenery of Twin Lakes.
After the 5K you can grab a partner and participate in the pickleball tournament!

Both include great swag, live results, awards and a great time of fellowship!
Breakfast & lunch will be available for purchase as well as cold water and Gatorade throughout the day. The proceeds of the race and tournament will go directly towards FBC Canton's youth building.
> Registration has closed <

The race will start at 8AM and the pickleball tournament will begin after the race.
We need all the help and encouragement our church family can give so even if you are not a runner
or pickleball player, please come out and support those that do & enjoy the food truck!

Grab your friends and family, you are not going to want to miss this one!

Registration Details:

> $350 Sponsorship (includes 5K participant at no extra cost; does NOT  include shirt)
> $50 5K Participant (does NOT include shirt)