Sunday Services: 8AM Chapel / 9 & 11 Worship Center

Filter tv and movie content with VidAngel

Skip or mute what you don’t want to see or hear with VidAngel.

This commercial is an all too common occurrence in our homes.   We recently decided to take our kids to see the new top gun movie Maverick.  We thought it would be more fun if they saw the original first, but a couple minutes in we knew that wasn't going to happen.  Our remote fast forward reflexes were just not fast enough to skip all language and inappropriate content.  We pulled up VidAngel and connected it to our Netflix and prime account and it was perfect! We enjoyed the movie and had additional comedic content with the silent pauses during the fight scenes.  We enjoyed a family evening without any stress or what our kids may hear or see.  At the parent meeting we were able to show an example clip of VidAngel in with top gun but we can't post that here.  This is just another tech tip to help protect your family and make the most of your family time.

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